Boys 10/11 Grade Basketball Scores

Sport: Boys Basketball

Age: 10th/11th Grade

Wayne County Update

Basketball vs. Tioga

Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 10.14.04 AMThe Upper Senior and CA boys headed to Tioga to compete in their first game on the hardwood of the summer. The team started off a bit slow, trailing by 3 at the end of the first quarter. The second quarter highlighted the team’s will to win and heart as they cut the lead from 5 to 2 going into halftime. Dylan T. led the squad in the second half with twelve Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 10.11.30 AM
points to help them gain the lead! Rowan K. also contributed with some key rebounds and 4 points down the stretch to help put the team in a winning position. The fourth quarter saw a phenomenal display of defense by the group to win the game by 3. Dylan H. and Ryan K. had 6 points, Ethan E. and Spencer W. had 3 points, and Noah R. rounded out the group with 2 points. The MVP of the game was truly Dylan T. who finished the game with an astounding 17 points. Final Score 43-40.

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