White Wonder and Blue Crunch took over Camp Starlight for five days of intense but friendly competition during the 2010 Camp Starlight Olympics. White Generals Nikki Jones and Zach Malis, along with Blue Generals Lois O’Neil and Patrick Zisko led their teams in one of the closest Olympics ever to take place at Camp Starlight. The teams virtually split day-to-day athletic competitions while the White dominated the Upper Senior Rope Burn and Apache Relay with both the girls and boys teams coming up with the win. An exciting sing resulted in a win for Blue and, going into the final day of competition, less than 300 points separated the two girls teams while the boys were virtually tied with only two (YES that’s 2!) points benefitting one team over the other.
Such evenly matched teams not only set the stage for some great competition, but highlighted what Olympics at Camp Starlight are all about; working together as a unit to encourage each other in exhibiting the very best of what has been learned during the summer and making every point count through sportsmanship, spirit, and camaraderie. Olympic contests are not merely about athleticism, but approaching challenges with dignity and diligence. That the scores were so close in the 2010 Olympics is a testament to the fact that both teams were winners in understanding that every person and every action counts and that a contest isn’t won or lost until the final whistle blows!
Tags: camp activities, camp news, Olympics, summer camp 2010