Posts Tagged ‘America’s finest summer camps’

Starnight at Camp Starlight

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

Starnight was a night to remember. Future Starlighters were accompanied by current Starlighters and Starlight staff for the full Starlight experience. In an atmosphere of “Rahoos” and “H-O-T-T-O-G-O” the Starnighters blended right in and joined in the fun. Junior campers adopted their Starnighters with open bunk doors and open arms as future campers got to see what it’s really like to be a true Starlight camper. The Starlight experience is truly like no other and it showed for future campers and Starlighters alike. In an evening activity full of spirit, tradition, pure joy, and excitement, future Starlighters felt the energy within the building. Starnighters and their families left with special treats, smiles on their faces, and memories to last all summer. With a successfully completed Starnight experience under the Starlight sky, campers and Starnighters already can’t wait for the next one!

Friday Night Speech: Appreciation

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Written by Elizabeth E.

Good Evening…

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Elizabeth E. and I am an upper senior. Thank you for allowing me to come up to talk about the theme of the summer, appreciation, tonight. I would like to start out by saying that 2 of my biggest role models in my life are my older sisters. One is a counselor here this summer. There is 7 year age gap between my oldest sister Sarah and I. So, when I was a lower junior, Sarah was an upper senior. I distinctly remember a time after my lower junior summer when my sister and I were talking about camp and how much we missed it. Sarah turned, looked at me and said, “Elizabeth, you have so many summer left there as a camper. I would do anything to be a junior again and have 8 more summers left at camp. Appreciate it.” Many leagues games, divisional shows, sing-a-longs, and Friday night services later I am now where she once was as an upper senior. I too would do anything to be a lower junior again with so much time as camper left ahead of me. But I would like to think that I took her advice, that I truly appreciated every moment spent here. I now know the importance of stepping back and appreciating every stunning sunset over the lake, every memory made and every one of the 35 girls in my division that I now call family but were once strangers when I was a junior. I don’t know what I would do without them. It’s important to take notice to how much Starlight helps us grow and mature. To appreciate that camp changes us all for the better.

I am now going to give you all the same advice that my sister once gave me. Though you don’t need to be a junior to hear it. Whether you have many years left here or just a few weeks, appreciate every moment spent here. Appreciate the laughs, the smiles and especially all of the people that make this place so amazing. The friendships you make with these people, they will last much longer than the summers spent here. I truly believe that Starlight is a special and one of kind place and that is something to be appreciated.

I, for one, appreciate the opportunity for being asked to speak in front of you all this evening. Thank you again and have a great Friday night. Thank you.


Counselor Spotlight: Ronan B.

Sunday, July 22nd, 2018

Hailing all the way from Ireland, 21 year old and first time counselor Ronan B. has taken the Lower Plebe division by storm! His campers Reece S. and Jake K. love his accent and his ability to make them laugh all the time. At home, Ronan plays golf and rugby and is a golf specialist and a lifeguard here at camp! While he loves his sports, Ronan’s favorite Camp Starlight activity by far is watching the sunset over Perch Pond. He came across Camp Starlight online through Camp America and he’s so happy he did. His campers Sawyer W., Drew S., Shai A., and Jacob G., love his respectful, funny, nice, and cool attitude. Sitting outside the Starlight Farmhouse, everyone enthusiastically offered several examples of why Ronan is simply awesome. Catch Ronan at the driving range hitting holes in one or by the waterfront making a splash! Thanks for tuning into this counselor profile!

Sharing at Camp Starlight

Thursday, July 19th, 2018

Sharing is a value heavily instilled in Starlight campers from the moment they arrive at camp. When you step off the bus you join a community of people who look out for one another as family. Not only is this important during the summer, sharing is a skill that campers carry with them beyond the conclusion of camp. Sharing makes others feel good and in return, you also feel valued and warm inside.

Sharing can be spotted around the corners of campus in many forms. Junior girls sharing tutus and stickers. Inter boys sharing diabolos and decks of cards. Senior girls sharing speakers and jibbets. The list is varied and endless!

Additionally, our bunks are shared spaces for campers and counselors alike, and throughout the summer everyone learns the importance of working together within this area. The real demonstration of our Starlighters’ fantastic sharing capabilities are proven during inspection when everyone shares the responsibility for taking care of their bunk.

Many physical items are shared at camp, although perhaps the most important things shared here can not be touched or held. Time, laughter, friendship, advice and fun are all shared between both campers and staff daily and these things when experienced together at Starlight are magical.


The Junior Show

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

Just as another week has come and gone, so has another beautiful and fun production in the Starlight Playhouse. For many of the Juniors, this performance was their first on the Starlight stage—and it was awesome! From the sing banners on the walls and ceiling, to the 50 year legend and Starlight staple Jeff Moss himself, the Playhouse is a place of tradition and family. Adding to the tradition experienced by generations of Starlighters, the Juniors left their first footprint of many to come in the Rec Hall during last night’s production.

Just a few short hours before curtain call, Seniors received their parts for the upcoming senior show. Watching from the long awaited bleacher seats, the Seniors were revelling in the bittersweet approach of their final appearance on the Starlight stage as they watched the Juniors in their first. The oldest Starlighters and Youngest wrapped their arms around each other singing Friends and the Alma Mater. As the Juniors had a beautiful and first time view of the camp joining together as one from onstage, camp had an even better view of the newest generation of Starlighters beginning their career onstage at the Playhouse, as well as their love for all the tradition and family that lives inside.

Visiting Day at Camp Starlight

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

This past weekend was the day that everyone was talking about and waiting for: Visiting Day! At just about 11AM, the large crowd of excited parents and family members eagerly waiting by the Rec Hall ran across the field into the arms of their campers. Campers were thrilled to show their families their visiting-day-ready bunks, beds, and cubbies and introduce them to their counselors and friends. Families went to get their traditional and favorite spots in front of the lake to picnic. While some walked around campus or hiked to Oz, our beautiful waterfall, others took advantage of the many activities offered throughout the afternoon: boat rides, tennis, Home Run Derby, and more. Whatever the activity, everyone spent the day exactly how they wished: with their awesome campers!!! As the day came to a close, hugs, kisses, and excited memories from 2018’s visiting day were exchanged. It was a great day at camp for all Starlighters to be with their loved ones. Now for the next four weeks of fun!

SWF 2018

Monday, July 16th, 2018

SWF 2018 Highlights from Camp Starlight on Vimeo.

Friday Night Speech- Appreciation

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

I am sure many of you can relate that being a younger sibling has its challenges. I had a personal rule that when something great was happening for my older brother, I learned to share in his joy and make it our own. I have continued with this by always reminding my children that all Weiner events are meant to be shared. We all celebrate the joyous events as a family in our house. So a few weeks ago when my daughter, Hannah, had her 8th grade graduation ceremony it was a Weiner event that called for celebration. I made sure our seats were perfect, the cameras were charged, the phones had the proper wifi. Now, having the last name Weiner meant we had a long time to be ready. I started to get ready after I heard Silverman and then I was at the edge of my aisle seat after Wasserman. I had my camera zoomed into the stage and I made every other member of my family capture the moment in a different way. J.J. was to take still pictures on his phone and my daughter Andie would take an iphone video so that we could immediately post the news on Facebook. So as Hannah excitedly crossed the stage to receive her handshakes and certificate, the only thing I captured was me on the video, saying “Oh, darn it, I missed it!” Did that just happen, did anyone else get the video for me?   Did I miss it? I never stopped to appreciate the moment.

Living in the moment is a tricky thing in the year 2018. There are so many things that take us away from the things we need to focus on. Now at camp we are lucky, we can remove about half of our distractions, but how do we really appreciate Camp Starlight? Last Monday the Junior Girls had an opportunity to learn about appreciating what is here at Camp Starlight. They learned how to listen to the many sounds that exist on our way to Oz. They closed their eyes and heard, birds, some buzzing insects, the crunch of the leaves on the ground and even some wind blowing through the trees. Girls, would you all agree it was easier to hear with our eyes closed? Well, I am asking everyone here not just the Junior Girls to listen closely and remember to appreciate what we have, but remember to also keep your eyes open. Wide open. Look for the beautiful sights too; the lake, the shale lined paths and if you are lucky you might catch a glimpse of a bird, a fish or even a field mouse. Because if you are too busy just walking you might miss something cool. Appreciation is like that, we can miss it.

When you get to be my age, you realize that appreciation can often come when it’s too late. I spent the first half of my life traveling the world. My grandparents lived in Europe and we often took a jaunt to France, or a flight to Spain on our way to visit them. I had seen some of the most amazing wonders of the world, by the time I was 13. Places like the Pyramids of Egypt and the Dorek Temples of Sicily. I swam in the Great Barrier Reef and I climbed to the top of Ayers Rock. But now I wish I could have those same experiences again so this time I could truly appreciate them. I never really appreciated what was in front of me. I was too busy complaining about the heat and the long drive to “another ancient ruin”. Missing chances to appreciate what is in front of you can be little things too, like when your band aid falls off at Outdoor adventure and you wish you had it on your hand as your climbing up the rock wall. Or a bunk mate is trying to ask you to be a swim buddy or sit next to you at dinner and you are too busy trying to be friends with someone else, you could miss those moments too. You could spend your whole summer trying to make one best friend and not appreciate the experience of making 9 best friends in one room. There are people and places to appreciate all around us. So remember to listen deeply with your ears, open your eyes wide and most importantly open your hearts and minds to the people who you will share the summer with.

So how do we slow ourselves down to appreciate CAMP STARLIGHT? We can always get a new band aid, but we cannot always mend the feelings of a friendship we never worked on or miss an opportunity to try a new activity. We are lucky we don’t have cameras or Facebook to distract us here. If you open your ears, you’ll hear the loudest birds in Pennsylvania. If you open your eyes, you’ll see one of the most incredible sunsets in the world. Most importantly, if you open your hearts, you’ll have a community of people who will always love you. I appreciate every day that I get to spend here, I appreciate all my wonderful counselors who I get to work with, I appreciate all the staff that supports me in my daily endeavors and I appreciate the fun loving Juniors who remind me about the unbridled joy of being at camp.

Friday Night Speech

Monday, July 9th, 2018

Once, a farmer decided to sell his farm. He had lived there a long time and thought there might him be something better waiting for him. So, he decided to ask his friend – who was a poet – to write the description of his farm for the advertisement. This is what the poet wrote:

“A beautiful property where birds sing at dawn, extensive woodland that’s bisected by the brilliant and sparkling waters of a large stream. The farmhouse is bathed in the light of the rising sun in the morning. During the evening there is plenty of tranquil shade to enjoy on the beautiful veranda”

Several weeks later, the poet met the farmer and asked him if he had sold his farm yet? “No”, the farmer replied. “After I read your description of my farm, I decided not to sell. I had never seen what you described. I guess I didn’t appreciate what I had…”

Since this year’s service theme is “appreciation”, I decided to look it up in the dictionary. This is what it said:

“A feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude.”

But, for me it is more than just a “thank you”…for me it

is acknowledging and giving acceptance to something or someone.

It seems to me that sometimes we don’t appreciate all the good things around us…Just like the farmer who didn’t appreciate his farm. Sometimes our eyes are closed to great things and great people that are right in front of our eyes. People we can listen to and learn from.

And, I’ve discovered, you don’t have necessarily like someone or something to appreciate it…to be able to take advantage of the gifts they can bring us.

Even more importantly, we need to appreciate everyone ‘s right to “be”; everyone’s right to share this world with us…no matter how different they may be from us. Yes, they may look different from us…. they may think differently from us…indeed…. they may be very different from us. But we need to respect their rights as a person…as much as they need to respect ours.

Appreciation begins as mutual respect…it can lead to friendship…and, yes, even love.

Look around this amazing scene tonight.

Starlight is filled with people and opportunities waiting to be appreciated by the campers who are lucky enough to be here…and who appreciate that they are lucky enough to be here.

They can give you gifts that you can take home with you and treasure forever.

Life is funny, you know.

In the beginning there is birth.

In the end there is death.

Everything in between is a ”gift”.

That’s why we call it the “present”.

So, appreciate everything that is here for you in the “present”.






New Starlight Amphitheater

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

Picture this: a balmy summer evening and the view of the beautifully calm lake stretching out to the endless green woodland. The sun is slowly setting for the day producing an unbelievable sky of soft orange and pink. Everyone is sitting, watching in admiration. But the nature isn’t the only thing everyone is admiring right now because we are seated at the new Starlight Amphitheater!

The Starlight Amphitheater, whose stage frames our picturesque lake, was a project over the winter months that took a simple idea and turned it into an outstanding reality. Designed by director, Allison Miller, it offers a new outdoor experience like no other. The amphitheater is outfitted with lights and sound and further enhances our lakefront experiences.

Although new, the structure maintains some sentimental elements of its previous years. Four original trees from this location have been incorporated into the finished product, acting as pillars at the four corners of the stage.

From the stage, the lake seems closer than it ever has before, like you could stretch out your hand and feel the warm water on your fingertips. And if you turn your back to the lake, you face a beautiful panorama of bunks, sporting fields and tall trees.

On Friday night’s this view of camp sports an even prettier foreground; the first generation to use this facility, the Starlighters of 2018. The weekly Friday Night traditions and many other evening activities take place here giving campers and staff a special place to gather and appreciate both the nature surrounding us and how lucky we are to be here at Starlight this summer.

Throughout the day you’d be hard-pressed to find a time when there are not a group of campers on the stage practicing for the play, playing with diabolos or simply sitting, chatting and appreciating the view.

It’s such perfect location to be enjoyed by the Starlighters of today and many generations to come.